study bundling [gh + blender]

blender isosurface 01 blender isosurface 02 blender isosurface 03 blender isosurface 04 blender isosurface 05 blender isosurface 06 blender isosurface 07 blender isosurface 08 blender isosurface 09

walker weaving [gh + blender]

blender weave 01 blender weave 02 blender weave 03 blender weave 04 blender weave 05 blender weave 06 blender weave 07 blender weave 08 blender weave 09 blender weave 10 blender weave 11 blender weave 12 blender weave 13 blender weave 14 blender weave 15 blender weave 16 blender weave 17 blender weave 18 blender weave 19 blender weave 20

sculpt [blender]

01 blender sculpt 02 blender sculpt 03 blender sculpt 04 blender sculpt 05 blender sculpt 06 blender sculpt

drainage [gh + blender]

grassopper blender drainange 01 grassopper blender drainange 02 grassopper blender drainange 03 grassopper blender drainange 04 grassopper blender drainange 05 grassopper blender drainange 06 grassopper blender drainange 07 grassopper blender drainange 08 grassopper blender drainange 09 grassopper blender drainange 10 grassopper blender drainange 11 grassopper blender drainange 12 grassopper blender drainange 13 grassopper blender drainange 14 grassopper blender drainange 15 grassopper blender drainange 16 grassopper blender drainange 17 grassopper blender drainange 18 grassopper blender drainange 19 grassopper blender drainange 20 grassopper blender drainange 21 grassopper blender drainange 22

gyroid study [blender+processing]

01 gyroid blender 02 gyroid blender 03 gyroid blender 04 gyroid blender sverchok 05 gyroid blender 06 gyroid blender 07 gyroid blender 08 gyroid blender 09 gyroid blender 10 gyroid blender 11 gyroid blender 12 gyroid blender 13 gyroid blender 14 gyroid processing 15 gyroid processing 17 gyroid processing 18 gyroid blender

Moebius Loop [consultancy-geometry fine tunning]

moebius 01 moebius 02 moebius 03 moebius 04 moebius 05 moebius 06

Bratislava KUKA rese arch LAB

kuka bratislava 01 kuka bratislava 02 kuka bratislava 03 kuka bratislava 04 kuka bratislava 05 kuka bratislava 06 kuka bratislava 07 kuka bratislava 08 kuka bratislava 09 kuka bratislava 10 kuka bratislava 11 kuka bratislava 12 kuka bratislava 13 kuka bratislava 14 kuka bratislava 15

iray scattering [Rhino -grasshopper]








_Rhino + GH introductive Workshop [Iasi 2015]

panou 1 panou 3.pdf panou 4 panou 5 panou 6 panou 7

_pavilion M17.1 [Iasi 2015]

00stefan Pavilion PLAN p00initial P01explicatie p04 versiuni vechi p02detaliupiese p03 posibilitati 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 logo

_lacuste in eter 4 [timisoara 2015]

01 02 03 04 05

3 6 9

_grasshopper04 [maps/terrain/scattering]

r02   r08

r04 r06 r09

_grasshopper03 [windows]

menuatt01shader shades smart01 smd02 spider

_grasshopper02 [stairs and railings]


03 06 08 09 preview01

_grasshopper01 [Kangaroo basics]


_en{coded}fields Workshop [Cluj 2015]


poster portret GR00 poster portret Poster {02} poster-echipa 3 05

11182756_575885889221148_1774344867283158926_o 11187151_575592219250515_4283955831546568992_o

_atelierul lui grinch Workshop [timisoara 2014]

01 02 03 04 05 06

10846169_954996887861397_3668157000701610098_n 10881633_955127664514986_1480785027512728092_n 11141300_676987629069323_57790418102899038_n1012937_952822958078790_7045604244092817155_n

_3dprint study [jewel]

r01 r02 r03

inelul radiolaria

_3d Print Study [light/watter]

r01 r02r03 r04 rrr01 rrr02 rrr03r05 rr06 rr04 rr03 rr01

_Institute the Magazine [13/2014]
